Wendt, It Began in Babel.

Wendt, Herbert.

It Began in Babel. The Story of the birth and development of races and peoples. Translated by James Kirkup.

London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1961. Octavo. 444 pages. Original Hardcover in Mylar. Secondhand book in very good condition. Rare !!

In this book the author of In Search Of Adam and Out of Noah’s Ark tells the fabulous and fascinating story of the birth and development of peoples, races, and cultures. Delving into one of the most perplexing riddles of our era, the origin of man. (Publishers information).

  • Keywords: History
  • Language: English
  • Inventory Number: 401190AB

EUR 180,-- 

Wendt, It Began in Babel.
Wendt, It Began in Babel.
Wendt, It Began in Babel.